Please note: I am not currently taking on consulting projects at this time.
Web consultant and independent information architect
December 2002 to 2008
Wechsler Ross & Partners
New York, NY
Senior Interactive Producer for established
marketing communications firm specializing
in serving financial service clients
Accounts: Reuters, Chase Home Finance, AARP Financial, Evergreen Investments, Ariel Capital,
JPMorgan Asset Management, Grail Partners, Fitch Ratings, Merrill Lynch Investment Managers
Image Works
Portland, ME
Information architect for multimedia communications firm dedicated to user centered design and development
Account: Targeted Learning Corporation
200 East Housing Corporation
New York, NY
Information architecture, information design, usability and interface consulting for Manhattan housing cooperative
Decimal, Inc.
San Francisco, CA
Information architecture, information design, usability and interface consulting for web-based retirement financial services company
Tiller, LLC
New York, NY
Web site produced for boutique public relations
firm specializing in advocacy marketing and cause commerce
Bernhardt Fudyma
New York, NY
Information architect, sitebuilder, content manager
for small design firm known for strategic visual thinking
Accounts: JPMorgan/Sibos, Tatham Group, LLC
Senior Interactive Producer/Information Architect
March 2000 to August 2002
Wechsler Ross & Partners
New York, NY
Created Web site strategy, information architecture,
and requirements for interactive projects. Provided
project management, proposal writing, budget
estimates for design and marketing firm. Managed
team of approximately eight people including
editors, content manager, site builders and
programmers, and graphic designers. Maintained
client relationship through daily contact and
project planning.
Accounts: Evergreen Investments, Fidelity,
Merrill Lynch, Calvert Funds, Riggs London,
Freelance Design/Programming
January to March 2000
Wunderman Cato Johnson
New York, NY
Concrete Creative
Washington, DC
Provided web production and programming.
Systems Assistant and Internet Administrator
October 1997 to December 1999
Cody's Books, Inc.
Worked with consultants to administer network Berkeley, California
and database for mid-sized independent bookstore. Maintained and updated eCommerce website.
Information Architecture
Including technical and business requirements and documentation
Project management
Including proposal writing, creating and maintaining budgets
Operating systems
Advanced user of Macintosh and Windows
Cross-browser, cross-platform testing. Web graphics. Metadata and keywords.
Web programming
Advanced: HTML/CSS, Javascript and DHTML
Familiar: ASP, PHP and database requirements
Advanced (Web production): Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe ImageReady, BBedit
Advanced (IA and project management): Visio; Inspiration; MS Project; MS Office
Familiar: Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Fireworks, Quark Express, Adobe InDesign
Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Syracuse, New York
Doctoral student, Fall 2006 to present
Stanford University
Palo Alto, California
MFA, 1997
Tyler School of Art
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BFA, 1993
Temple University Abroad
Rome, Italy
Studio Art Program, 1991?92
Please see Teaching section of this site for more detailed information about my academic experience.