
Visual Forest was created and is maintained by Jaime Snyder, doctoral candidate in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University. This blog documents her exploration of the broad and expanding field of visual studies.

Snyder is currently working on a dissertation study addressing the concept of image-enabled discourse, with an emphasis on drawing as an information-driven communication practice. The study involves observing face-to-face conversations where drawing occurs. Her approach to analysis is unique in the area of visual studies in that it focuses on the act of creating rather than on the image artifact. This work draws on theories from linguistic anthropology and discourse studies in order to expand the ways that images and image-making are studied in information science.


Within the school, she is serves as Liaison for Interdiscplinary Curriculum Development, focusing on a year long initiative entitled Common Ground and devoted to exploring synergies between the School of Information Studies (iSchool) and the College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA). Previous to this appointment, she served for two years as a research assistant in the iSchool’s Center for Digital Literacy (CDL).

Prior to entering the doctoral program, Snyder worked as a practicing artist, teacher and web consultant. She held positions in the web development industry as an interactive producer, information architect, and content strategist. Through these experiences she has developed strong interests in multidisciplinary collaborations, visual communication and user-centered approaches to the organization of information across academic, creative and industry contexts.

More information? jaimesnyder.com


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